
HoverTransitions - jQuery

HoverTransitions - jQuery

HoverTransitions allows you to create numerous transition animation effects for webpage elements. The effects are performed by breaking the element into smaller boxes and animating the appearance of each of them according to different patterns and effects. The effects occur when events are performed. All animations are highly customisable.

jQuery Zoomer

jQuery Zoomer

Free File of the Month jQuery Zoomer has been accepted as this month’s free file. Hopefully I can put a smile on your face, by providing this file free of charge. I’d love to hear back from you and would like to see it in use on the web! This file will be removed from codecanyon by 1st of september.It will be available for cloning via GitHub or for download on codezilla. And because my customers are the most beautiful people in the world, it w...

Google Maps + Sliders plugin for WordPress

Google Maps + Sliders plugin for WordPress

As per request I converted the Stylized Google Maps JavaScript into a WordPress plugin. This is a jQuery javascript project around Google Maps. But it’s different from other Google Maps scripts because it can display Google Maps in different styles. It also has a nice image slider that lets you impose animating images on the map. Feature include Google Maps v3 APIs Image sliders on the map Multiple built in stylized Allows to restyle ...

AJAX Back Call

AJAX Back Call

AJAX Back Call is a very useful tool for web developers which are looking for the latest advances in technology and web look and feel to set up in their pages. AJAX Back Call provides 2 options of AJAX call XMLHttpRequest jQuery Very easy to install and use, 3 easy steps.

After Build - Compiling & Compression Tool

After Build - Compiling & Compression Tool

After Build 2.0 is an application that allows to compress CSS and JavaScript and compile Less, CoffeeScript, Jade & PEG.js (Parser Generator for JavaScript). Features: Compress Javascript and CSS Compile Less, Jade(new in 2.0), PEG.js (new in 2.0) and CoffeeScript Simple and easy to use Drag-&-Drop support, files or folders Update compilers manually CoffeeScript, Jade or PEG.js by selecting module folder that you can download in Git...

Thumbnail Gallery Slider

Thumbnail Gallery Slider

jQuery thumbnail slider with popping out borders. Two modes/styles: popping out bottom border and without. Enjoy this simple and flawless image slider gallery. Get rid of clumsy buttons, make navigation intuitive! About Thumbnail Slider Thumbnail Slider works through mouse movements and does not require a user to click anything, which enhances user engagement greatly. Mouse Movement Thumbnails are moved reading user’s mouse, whi...

Gaur - Countdown with animation

Gaur - Countdown with animation

Easy adaptable countdown, under construction – page. Including manual for easy set-up. Give us your support If you’ve purchased the plugin and like it, please, rate the plugin . It would be the greatest help. Version: 1.1Added New Example(actual use) 1.0 First Release

Online Editor

Online Editor

Online file editor. For: javascript, php, html, css, xml… Features: Fully Web-Based Syntax Highligting Autosave function Multiple tabs Ajax file explorer Themes Configuration saving in local storage Just upload to your root (www) folder and start coding

The AwsmUploader: Unlimited Uploads w/o Flash!

The AwsmUploader: Unlimited Uploads w/o Flash!

The AwsmUploader lets you easily upload files by drag-n-drop (built-in) or by feeding it with files from own sources (such as regular file-inputs). It was built using plain JavaScript, HTML5 and PHP (that’s all it needs).The AwsmUploader does not require any of these: Flash, ActiveX, Chrome extensions, 3rd party libraries (e.g. jQuery, Dojo, MooTools, Modernizr), plug-ins of any type, server-side frameworks etc. View a fully working demo and t...

AwsmProgressBar for jQuery

AwsmProgressBar for jQuery

The AwsmProgressBar is an all-in-one-file plug-in for jQuery that lets you create a stunning progressbar. More than thirteen options and five methods allow to customize the progressbar to your needs. It works with CSS3-animations and all major browsers. The AwsmProgressBar is useful when a state, its progress or transitions between states should be communicated to the user. Updates Update v1.3: Increased browser compatibility (especially IE1...