html5 video

ExtraWatch Live Stats and Counter PRO for Joomla!

ExtraWatch Live Stats and Counter PRO for Joomla!

Popular visitor live tracking component for Joomla. ExtraWatch allows you to watch your joomla visitors live stats and bots in real-time from the administration back-end. Especially their IP addresses, countries they come from, geographical location on a map, which pages they are viewing, their browser and operating system, it creates daily and all-time stats from these information plus unique, pageload and total hits statistics. Furthermor...

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

Upload a video – or use another user’s channel – and see videos from the selected channel instantly appear on your website! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from a specific playlist by username and playlist name. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. If you ever wondered how you could best include ...

Sentenza Desktop for Mac

Sentenza Desktop for Mac

Check the official website for detailed infos : http://www.sentenzadesktop.comOnline help guides & APIs documentation : Proof of concept and demo video : Info for Snow Leopard users : Sentenza Desktop should normally be compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.6 but I can not guarantee. Test the trial version (link below) to be sure that Sentenza Desktop can open and co...

YouTube Subscription Videos

YouTube Subscription Videos

See subscription videos appear on your website as they become available! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from the subscriptions of any user. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. Not bloated – it’s clear and convenient. It only takes a minute to drop in the code and with a single line of jQuery yo...

YouTube Playlist

YouTube Playlist

Add a video to a playlist on YouTube and see it appear on your website instantly! RECENT UPDATES: /2013-02-25/ It is now possible to use the “playall” option to play one video after another in the list, consecutively and automatically. The manual now includes an example where a playlist automatically starts playing in fullscreen and once the first video completes, the next one in the playlist follows. An easy to use, thoroughly ex...

Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Dropdown Menu

Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Dropdown Menu

Responsive dropdown menu, based on HTML5 & CSS3. Video preview Features: Mobile first responsive layout: fully responsive on wide range of devices; Pure CSS; Cross-browser look and feel; Touch screen support; Valid HTML5 and CSS3 code; Two color schemes provided; Installation guide; Clean and well-commented HTML and CSS code. All major browsers and screen resolutions are supported. Compatible Browsers: IE7+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari, Op...

Flare - Responsive Lightbox WordPress Plugin

Flare - Responsive Lightbox WordPress Plugin

The pixelentity team is once again proud to bring you our new product: Flare – a responsive, touch enabled, mobile optimized lightbox WordPress plugin, which can be used to display single images/videos or entire galleries with caption support. Features At A Glance Click To View The Admin Demo Video WordPress Features automatically opens all image links with flare (optional) automatically opens all YouTube/Vimeo links with fl...

Responsive Slideshow Photo Gallery Grid

Responsive Slideshow Photo Gallery Grid

The Responsive Slideshow Photo Gallery has a fluid / flexible / responsive layout. Basically the grid is added into a html page into a div of your chosing and it’s adapting based of that div’s width, the grid height is modified based on the number of thumbnails and if other elements are below the grid div they will be pushed down automatically (document flow). In the examples provided you can see a few ways in which you might use this grid, of...

jQuery Speedo Popup

jQuery Speedo Popup

Speedo Popup jQuery Plugin Speedo popup is a small, powerful and real customizable jQuery popup / modal plugin. It is not just a simple popup, Speedo popup is: a popup / modal box Plugin a Notification Plugin a Lightbox Plugin an Alert Box Plugin Don`t forget to follow us to receive our updates or new products. Admin Panel – no code required WordPress Speedo Popup And that’s not all. You can play videos, you...

Promo HTML5 Music/Video player - jPlayer Skin

Promo HTML5 Music/Video player - jPlayer Skin

This is a skin for jPlayer plugin. jPlayer is the completely free and open source (GPL/MIT) media library written in JavaScript. A jQuery plugin, jPlayer allows you to rapidly weave cross platform audio and video into your web pages. Features: easy to get started, deploy in minutes totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS lightweight – only 8KB minified and Gzipped free and open source, no licensing restrictions active ...