jQuery Speedo Popup

Last Update
28 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Speedo Popup jQuery Plugin Speedo popup is a small, powerful and real customizable jQuery popup / modal plugin. It is not just a simple popup, Speedo popup is:

a popup / modal box Plugin a Notification Plugin a Lightbox Plugin an Alert Box Plugin

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WordPress Speedo Popup

And that’s not all.

You can play videos, you can make a lightbox of videos and or mixed content or you can notify the user when you want, you have the possibility to do whatever you want.

This jQuery popup plugin has full compatibility for HTML5 and full fallback for older browsers.

Some features

You have 14 predefined CSS3 themes for your popup message You can choose free 17 jQuery and CSS3 transition effects, or you create your own Multiple instances on one page. In addition, you can use different theme for each of them. Automatic show This popup plugin has full compatibility for HTML5 and full fallback for older browsers. Closer and show timer You can center automatically, or you can choose your own vertical and horizontal positions Size is calculated automatically and is based on your content (default), but you can specify exactly width and height, if you need so. Launch a link in a popup. Just declare class ‘speedo-popup’ on link, and that`s all You can load any content in any way you want:

HTML string Ajax call HTML element Iframe media file (swf) Embeded video ( yes, you can include youtube or vimeo players with simple link)

Cross-Browser compatibility Multiple callbacks

onBeforeShow onShow onComplete onHide onClose

Small file size

and many more…

Speedo Popup jQuery v1.0 Initial Version Changelog

Speedo Popup v1.1

* Smart Skin Engine v0.5 - a feature that allows the registration and running of javascript code, for a specific skin. Allowing to create more smart skins. * 4 new skins using the new Smart Skin Engine.

- Clouds - Rain - Snow - Winter

* Smaller file size. * Content loading has been improved and is loading faster * Fixed BUG: The flash content isn't showing in IE 8. * Fixed BUG: Once the overlay has finished it's animation, it becomes opaque. * Fixed BUG: When using groupGallery(lightbox) on multiple content and different sizes, the popup remain the same size. * Fixed BUG: When using DirectLink, first time, the popup is showing to it's default size of 150 by 150 pixels. * Also fixed a few smaller bugs.

Speedo Popup v1.1.1

* Improved Smart Skin Engine * Fixed BUG: The video from Vimeo isn`t showing correctly. * Also fixed a few smaller bugs.

Speedo Popup v1.1.2

* Update to make the popup compatible with jQuery 1.9 and higher. * Fixed BUG: IE10 The popup is slow. * Also fixed a few smaller bugs.

Speedo Popup v1.2

* Fixed BUG: Smart skins not working on some WordPress versions. * Fixed BUG: If you have a group gallery and you close it and scrool through the mouse wheel, the popup reappears. * Fixed BUG: Small jQuery 1.9 compatibility problem, when using smart skin. * Also fixed a few smaller bugs.

Speedo Popup v2.0

* Smart Skin Engine v1.0 - a feature that allows the registering and running of javascript code for a specific skin. Thus allowing to create more smart skins. * Reimplemented as a modular plugin for higher speed and smaller size. * Added audio module - play audio file with html5. * Added Feature: Remeber user through cookies. * Added Feature: YouTube and Vimeo Videos are responsive. * Fixed BUG: CSS3 Effects are no longer working in version v1.1.2 and v1.2. * Fixed BUG: Smart Skin engine might not work on all suported browsers. * Fixed BUG: If you don't set the effectIn and effectOut options the popup won't close. * Fixed Some bugs for IE. * Also fixed a few smaller bugs.