html5 media player

PHP & HTML5 Media Player

PHP & HTML5 Media Player

PHP & HTML5 Media Player script allows your visitors to register on your website, and upload their own music, videos, also they can comment via the integrated FaceBook Comment System. Video Demo: Features: HTML5 cross-brower compatible player (video & audio). Admin panel. User accounts. Facebook Comments system included. Drag and Drop upload from PC. Categories. Search system. Custom f...

HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins

HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins

WordPress Version Now Available ->     HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins Suggested Experience: HTML/CSS: Advanced JavaScript: Beginner This HTML5 music player is great for anyone who needs their music to work on both desktops and mobile devices. It has three CSS3 based skins to choose from and comes with a custom built Flash fallback for older browsers that don’t support HTML5 Audio. Use it as your page’s main music player, add it...