HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins

Last Update
29 August 2013
Regular License
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HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins Suggested Experience:

HTML/CSS: Advanced JavaScript: Beginner

This HTML5 music player is great for anyone who needs their music to work on both desktops and mobile devices. It has three CSS3 based skins to choose from and comes with a custom built Flash fallback for older browsers that don’t support HTML5 Audio. Use it as your page’s main music player, add it to your blog posts or build on top of it with the available API methods.

The player is custom built on top of jQuery 1.10.2 and is void of any external open source media plugins (keeping it super-optimized and light-weight).

Custom Settings Include:

Choose from three CSS3 skins Start the player in an open or closed state Choose to autoplay music Randomize the song order Set the volume level Add custom HTML for song titles

Music Used in the Preview

AudioQuattro – Sky Trix-Music – Bring The Bomb abir187 – Catchy Hip hop Violin Loop metrolightmusic – Long Ride Home rtofvnt – Eco-rporate palmtreep – Lucius Dei adamjamescuz – Drifter AudioQuattro – We Hope hamditheone – Ramos

API Methods for Advanced Users

Toggle playback on and off Play a song by index Skip to the next song Destroy the player

Special Notes

HTML5 Music Player runs on jQuery version 1.10.2

Background images and songs are for preview purposes only and are not included in the source download. iPads and iPhones do not support HTML5 media autoplay and autoplay will be automatically set to false for these devices. Although the player will work with only one song it is specifically styled for multi-song usage. Other than icons, the skins are built with 100% CSS3. But because rounded corners are not supported in IE8, buttons will appear as squares instead of circles for this browser Support is not provided for older versions of jQuery and there is no guarantee that this item will work in older versions of jQuery

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