
iOS 5 Video Player

iOS 5 Video Player

iOS 5 Video Player Update iOS6, Xcode 4.5 4” Retina support Features Property list based video app Xcode 4.2.1 and higher Storyboard, ARC

Content Slider - PageControl & ScrollView

Content Slider - PageControl & ScrollView

Cotent Slider uses the UIScrollView and UIPageControl together to allow users to slide through content (images, buttons, etc…) while notifying the user which page they currently on. The user can swipe through pages on the ScrollView or change page by tapping on the PageControl dots. (Comes with PDF implementation guide).

YouTube Favorites

YouTube Favorites

Favorite a video on YouTube and see it appear on your website instantly! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube favorited videos of any user by username. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. If you ever wondered how you could best include videos on your website that were not uploaded by you, look no further. ...

jQuery Accordion MultiPurpose Gallery Slideshow

jQuery Accordion MultiPurpose Gallery Slideshow

Last update 25.2.2013 update to jquery 1.9.1 update prettyphoto for jquery 1.9.1 This powerfull gallery slideshow offers ability to display more slides than visible, with an easy scroll through navigation, making it very powerfull in displaying large collection of data. Furthermore, slides can be different size. Place any inline HMTL content inside the slider.Embed multiple instances in same page (example included in download package).All de...

TouchCarousel - Posts Content Slider for WordPress

TouchCarousel - Posts Content Slider for WordPress

TouchCarousel is a posts content slider WordPress plugin with touch navigation for mobile devices. You can slide custom post types, with custom taxonomies (categories, tags, e.t.c.) and create layout templates using simple templating system. It’s created based on TouchCarousel jQuery plugin, selling on CodeCanyon. New RoyalSlider for WordPress now supports posts sliding, I recommend using it instead of TouchCarousel when you don’t need mult...

Interactive 3D CGGallery - HTML5

Interactive 3D CGGallery - HTML5

Animation with mouse move X – axis rotation Y – axis rotation Z – axis rotation XYZ – axis rotation Rotation single row Selection Canvas or WebGl FUNCTIONALITY BUTTON : Button1 (Start Animation): OnClick moving the mouse you have a 3D effect on the cubes that move away and approach, and the effect rotation effect. btnRotationX (Rotation X): OnClick created the effect of rotation around the x axis of the cubes btnRotationY (Rotati...

ImageMasker Kit

ImageMasker Kit

If you need support for this product, please do not use the comments section! Use the support forum instead. ImageMasker Kit jQuery plugin for applying masks to images on your website. Using it is as simple as one line of code and it comes with a collection of masks made by us. Forget about processing every single image with Photoshop to apply a mask to it. Now you can do it on the fly, and it just works! However, the collection of masks t...

Fancy Product Preview for Jigoshop

Fancy Product Preview for Jigoshop

Fancy Product Preview for JigoShop converts the product thumbnails on your JigoShop catalog/category pages to a fancy product preview gallery. Simply roll over an image thumbnail and be greeted with a larger image preview and/or gallery of additional images. See the live preview and full documentation. Main Features Show all product images in the catalog/category listing, as a fancy pop-up gallery. Your customers can have a much more in...

LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

IMPORTANT – compatibility with jQuery 1.10.x & WordPress 3.6 The current version of LayerSlider (4.6.0) is 100% compatible with WordPress 3.6 and jQuery 1.10.x, but with the earlier versions you may get the “old jQuery issue” error message. If you purchased LayerSlider WordPress plugin from Kreatura, you will need to update it to the current version which you can download for free from here: If you got ...

jQuery MultiTransition Gallery Sliders Collection

jQuery MultiTransition Gallery Sliders Collection

Last update 12.6.2013 Fixed bug with video in multiple instances. Update 1.3.2013 update to jquery 1.9.1 ken burns settings improved slideshow toggle now pauses/resumes actual ken burns animation added optional video support for each slide (local video (mp4, ogv, webm), youtube, vimeo, with flash backup for older browsers) added optional html5 music player for gallery (with flash backup for older browsers) added optional captions (any kind ...