
Showbiz Business Carousel jQuery Plugin

Showbiz Business Carousel jQuery Plugin

Showbiz Business Carousel jQuery Plugin What is it? This is a highly customizable plugin to show you or your customer’s services, portfolio items, blog contents… basically all business information thinkable. Pretty Photo Issue Solution If you use Pretty Photo and Our Item on the Same page, please add this code to your Document to resolve the cssAnimateion Conflict. <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.fn.css = jQuery.fn.cssOriginal...

LayerSlider Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

LayerSlider Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

Recommendations Top 100 (of all categories) & Editors Choice on Tripwire “Must see effect” Best 30 Sliders Collection 30+ Useful WordPress Slider Plugins 30+ jQuery Image Slider Plugins and Tutorials 35+ Premium WordPress Plugins 55 Best jQuery Carousel Plugins 80 Amazing jQuery Slider and Carousel Plugins 80 Awesome jQuery Slider Plugins Number One Slider on Premium WordPress Support Some Examples http://www.123tequil...

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Scroller and Slider

TouchCarousel - jQuery Content Scroller and Slider

TouchCarousel is mobile-friendly and lightweight jQuery content scroller with touch navigation for mobile and desktop. May be used as carousel, banner rotator and image gallery. It’s used by top web design agencies, email newsletter companies and simple schools. Features: Touch navigation for supported devices. Paging and free-scroll mode. Physics-based scrolling. Fluid width of carousel for free-scroll mode. Fast, hardware accelerated CSS3...

jQuery CSS3 Lightbox Gallery Plugin

jQuery CSS3 Lightbox Gallery Plugin

The CSS3 Lightbox is a jQuery plugin you can use to display your images. The CSS3 transitions is driven by Animate.css, it is hardware accelerated in the modern browser. And It’s mobile friendly, which works in your touch device like iPhone & iPad. Features: CSS3 transitions driven animation. 24 easeIn and 23 easeOut animation type. Keyboard shortcut support. It’s lightweight. Mobile friendly, works in the touch device like iO...

GalleryJack Rebooted - A jQuery Fullscreen Gallery

GalleryJack Rebooted - A jQuery Fullscreen Gallery

GalleryJack Rebooted – A jQuery Fullscreen Gallery A Fullscreen Image Gallery with Categories, HTML5 Video, HTML5 Audio & more In my 4 years here at Envato, the original GalleryJack turned out to be my most successful file. And even though it has many features, I always felt that it had potential to be even better. So for the past few months I decided to rewrite the original from scratch and this time add twice as many features. Thumbnai...

Paradigm Slider jQuery Plugin

Paradigm Slider jQuery Plugin

Paradigm Slider jQuery Touchable Plugin – The premium way of using a slider in your website. A combination of Parallax Effect, state-of-the-art Slider and Text Animations defines this slider. Customize this slider with just a little HTML and CSS to your very needs. Give each slider a parallax caption to transport your message. Touch swipe for iOS and Android mobile devices is of course included. So it works on every modern browser (including ...

Small Photo Gallery jQuery/XML/AJAX Loaded

Small Photo Gallery jQuery/XML/AJAX Loaded

A small photo gallery that is simple to setup using XML /AJAX, making this gallery very easy to maintain. jQuery knowledge is not needed. Plug-in is easy to integrate into your own applications. Please take a look at the list of features below. XML – Easy to setup. All you need is simple XML knowledge. Compatible – With commonly used browsers, including IE7 Buttons – Customizable navigation buttons. CSS – Is well documented. ...

Popover Product Showcase jQuery Plugin

Popover Product Showcase jQuery Plugin

Popover Product Showcase is a jQuery plugin you can use to display you product, works etc. It can be embed in the page or trigger via popover. The plugin is lightweight, the compressed file is only 2kb. It’s mobile friendly, support wipe left/right on a touch device. Preview without the iframe on the top Update (You can re-download it if you purchased it before) 7 Aug 2012: Fix the bug in IE, click the link won’t open the window. Please clos...

Vimeo Video Player Wordpress Plugin with Playlist

Vimeo Video Player Wordpress Plugin with Playlist

SHORTCODE AVAILABLE You can easy integrate this in your pages using the shortcode [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id=’1’ bgcolor=’#FFFFFF’] Also, optional parameters for the shortcode are available: init_category – use it to specify a certain category to initialize the player. init_movie_number – use it to specify a certain movie within the category to initialize the player.HELP FILE A complete help file is included Keywords: wordpress, plugin, a...

Sublime Slider for WordPress

Sublime Slider for WordPress

WPSublimeSlider is a fantastic WordPress plugin that allows you to create and display unlimited image galleries on your site. You can create sliders using your own images or even from a Flickr photoset or Picasa web album. The plugin supports multiple themes and the included (Sublime) theme can display your galleries at fullscreen or fit within your own predefined dimensions. This is the perfect plugin to show off your photographic work ...