
Wordpress Social Timeline

Wordpress Social Timeline

Item Description: The DP Social Timeline plugin lets you retrieve status/posts/videos/images from different social networks in a timeline format, sorted by the newest. Features: Get status/posts/videos/ images from differents accounts in the same social network Twitter, Facebook Page, Youtube, Delicious, Flickr, Dribbble, Digg, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Google+, Lastfm Retrieve Youtube videos using search keywords. Retrieve tweets ...

Facebook Promotion App

Facebook Promotion App

Facebook Promotion Application: Easy Social Media Marketing Version 2.1 New: Fangate,Database Connection,OAuth 2.0,New Design This application automatically generates a post in the news stream of your visitors, you can publish anything you want. After the user has authorized the application you can offer them for example coupons,special download links, special content and more! The user data will be stored in your database. This is an very eff...

jQuery Facebook Side Menu Plugin

jQuery Facebook Side Menu Plugin

FEATURES The coolest UI element on the web is HERE ! Fully compatibile with jQuery Mobile Can fit in to any HTML page Customisable buttons CSS auto generated by JS Styleable via jQuery Plugin Options Just one JS required Very easy integration! Working with iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Safari, Firefox, Chrome and IE! jQuery transition effects! Customizable icons You can use it also in not-mobile projects

JQuery Facebook Traffic Driver

JQuery Facebook Traffic Driver

This plugin will take your Facebook presence to new heights. Its elegant look and real time stats will make people feel like they are making a difference. Aside from the real time data stream, the like status is stored in a cookie so you have the option of enforcing the user to “like” you before they can access content. You can also set a timer on the popup to show for an set period of time before it hides itself. Testimonials

Night Club Mobile App

Night Club Mobile App

About This is Titanium Mobile Application developed specially for Night clubs, Discotheques, Cafes etc.. Contains several modules that are easy to extend and modify. 5 minutes of setup will be enough for the app to be ready for publishing.Works with iPhone iPad and Android. Hope you like it Events This is the module “Events module” that is used for the Events / Agenda tab. It is robust module that will allow your events to reach new visitors ...

RingShare: best way to share your content

RingShare: best way to share your content

Overview RingShare could be apllied to any html element and could be customized for your own needs. and works in all recent browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 7,8,9 as well as Mobile Safari on iPhone/iPad. Package RingShare RingShare (packed) Documentation & Examples Features Easy to integrate Cross browser support Customizable Documentation & Example included Please contact me if you have questio...

Viral Lottery - Facebook App v2.0

Viral Lottery - Facebook App v2.0

Run raffles, contents or lotteries on your Facebook fanpage. In short, this is a great tool to get users interested about your Facebook fanpage more and more. You collect more LIKES and get new people to come to your page when users sharing referral links and sending requests. To get tickets, users have to share links, send requests or they can try their luck on slot machine. You can set up amount of tickets for every action. Check out D...

jNewsticker for Wordpress

jNewsticker for Wordpress

About jNewsticker for Wordpress jNewsticker for Wordpress brings the power of jNewsticker to your Wordpress website. Not running Wordpress? Check out jNewsticker jQuery plugin for the original jQuery plugin. What others have said wipeoutmedia Wow, this plugin is exactly what I have been looking for – thank you, thank you, thank you. Five stars coming your way buddy!!! dillonwalsh I am SO IN LOVE with this plugin! Thank you so muc...

Animated Dashboard With Social Share

Animated Dashboard With Social Share

This android animated Dashboard pattern UI is created to make any user feel like home in your app’s first screen and easy navigation today’s modern mobile devices, rely on fingers instead of a keyboard and mouse as input mechanisms. None of the included activities do anything more than display a line or two of text. That makes it a good starting point for building your own dashboard apps. So you can use it a shell to make you own killing ap...

Facebook Like Locker Pro for WordPress

Facebook Like Locker Pro for WordPress

Tap into Facebook’s 700 million+ users with Like Locker Pro. Like Locker PRO adds tons of powerful features that blow the original Like Locker out of the water allowing you to add thousands of fans, likes, and social traffic with almost no work. More likes = More Traffic = More $$$$! Build a social media super presence over night by locking all, or just parts of your posts! Facebook is a proven traffic source and can create long term growth fo...