Viral Lottery - Facebook App v2.0

Last Update
24 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Run raffles, contents or lotteries on your Facebook fanpage.

In short, this is a great tool to get users interested about your Facebook fanpage more and more. You collect more LIKES and get new people to come to your page when users sharing referral links and sending requests.

To get tickets, users have to share links, send requests or they can try their luck on slot machine. You can set up amount of tickets for every action.

Check out DEMO app


3 different prizes with different amount for each Winners by random ticket or as users appear on leaderboard Time or Likes to count down from to zero 3 different ticket options. Share, Request and Slot Machine(serverside controlled) Good Admin Panel. Tons of adjustments, direct emails and timelineposts, picture manager/uploader, users management Built on Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2. Separate page for mobile users. Without actual functions, but users can see what it’s all about. Autoposts and post blocked actions. Adjustable from Admin Panel Like gate, users have to like before they see the app Header and sidebar ad ready. Enter code from admin side Extra security form. Build a form and ask something(phone, id-card number). Hopefully it helps to have lot of fake users. Easy installation, with installation page inside script. No code changing inside files. Simply translatable with Poedit. Uses textdomain function. Main .pot file included.

Call for translators. If you can translate this app with Poedit to correct english and to another languages(spanish, german, french, russian), we’ll send you a free copy of this app. Introduce yourself and ask for .pot file via profile page.


PHP5+ installed on server MySQL database and serverspace with PHP. PDO driver for database. You need secure url https://. Installed SSL certificate on your domain (you can use free shared SSL cert instead, explained in documentation) Facebook developer account Knowledge about FTP file upload

Special thanks to

Twitter Bootstrap





All scripts mentioned above are included to download package, with licenses, as they were downloaded from given links.

In any situation or if you face some difficulties please contact me via profile page(recommended) or leave a comment.

Item page image credit: bradleyplohnson from flickr