directory listing

Aberrant File Browser

Aberrant File Browser

Aberrant File Browser is a PHP script designed as a drop-in, lightweight replacement for the default directory listing pages generated by web servers like Apache. Features View and navigate through files and directories Preview images in a colorbox (lightbox) gallery Preview common documents in an embedded Google Docs frame Listen to MP3s in an inline flash MP3 player 25 file icons for 67 different file extensions Option to add link to d...

Classified Made Easy

Classified Made Easy

Latest/complete changelog here Version (30-June-2013) Fixed the wording “Showing 1 of 20 results” Added some missing transaltions Fixed the formatting of marker pop Description Classified made easy is an easy to use PHP script which can be used as classified or any kind of listing website. You can easily add,edit or delete categories. For ex, if you just want to use it as job listing website then you may create just job categories an...

ApPHP Business Directory script

ApPHP Business Directory script

Description: ApPHP Business Directory Advanced version is a simple, but powerful Business Directory solution. This script allows to add categories, then associate added businesses to these categories. You may also add business profiles including basic business contact info, business description, website link, e-mail contact, categories, map links etc. ApPHP Business Directory was developed in OOP and allows you to build business directory webs...

Tastydir - an AJAX file manager and dir listing

Tastydir - an AJAX file manager and dir listing

Tastydir is a cross-platform PHP file management system which allows you to not only replace your traditional FTP client but also allow your users to view directories in a much more aesthetically pleasing way. Tastydir is now open-source! Please read the FAQ! Features view files in a directory (with easy breadcrumb navigation) edit and rename files and folders create files and folders erase files and folders copy files and folders move ...