Tastydir - an AJAX file manager and dir listing

Last Update
22 May 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Tastydir is a cross-platform PHP file management system which allows you to not only replace your traditional FTP client but also allow your users to view directories in a much more aesthetically pleasing way.

Tastydir is now open-source!

Please read the FAQ!


view files in a directory (with easy breadcrumb navigation) edit and rename files and folders create files and folders erase files and folders copy files and folders move files download and upload files (downloader also sends MIME types, so you can view some files in-browser) preview images in a lightbox chmod files secure authentication installer script, so you don’t have to bother with editing PHP files supports both Windows and Linux! drive letter navigation on Windows PSD files are provided for easy customization 27 file icons encompass 78 file types dynamically switch between a fluid and fixed layout

Current version: 1.2 (1215)

=== Version 1.2 === 1200: Submitted to Envato (CodeCanyon). 1205: Added changelog (lol). Minor CSS update on buttons. Prevented direct access to common.php and install.php. 1210: Submission to Envato soft-rejected, adding more documentation. Added documentation in /doc. Small optimizations. 1212: Approved by Envato. Fixed bug where trying to upload a file without actually selecting one hid the form. Fixed a bug where the file override warning in the upload function would show an incorrect or blank name. 1213: Changed vladh.net/projects/tastydir link to tastydev.net/#tastydir. Revision number now visible by hovering over version number. Changed bottom border on tooltip links to match abbr and be more subtle. 1214: Fixed typo ("755 or 755" instead of "755 or 777") in install.php. Fixed a bug where files with quotes/apostrophes in their names would cause problems. When working with these files, the user would be informed that the file doesn't exist. 1215: Added support for changing the home directory (top of common.php). 1216: PHP4 and early PHP5 now work properly ( they don't have json_encode ). Tastydir no longer incorrectly trips some antivirus programs. Fixed a silly "path not defined" problem in common.php. 1217: Fixed a problem where POSIX functions not being available on some Linux systems caused index.php to show up as blank due to a fatal error. Added error_reporting(E_ALL), to make errors easier to identify. 1250: Added two heavily requested features: - unless you're logged in, the top address bar doesn't show the full path, but the relative path. - added previous/next buttons on images for an image gallery-style effect. 1251: Password input in install.php is now an actual password input. When editing files, saving the file no longer closes the dialog, making it more suitable for programmers. 1252: Made all MIME types work properly.

Known limitations

in addition to the standard reserved characters, Tastydir doesn’t allow you to work with files with an ampersand (&) in their filenames. This is because of the way javascript works cross-browser.

Wishlist / to-do

multi-upload auto-updater nicer text editor? symlinks?