
Paypal Donation Module

Paypal Donation Module

This module can help you to get a donation simply via Paypal gateway. Feature listing: Configuration for Donation title Currency select (Allow donors to select one) Donation Amount (Allow for donors to type one) Return URL: you can use an article for thank you page Cancel URL: you can use an article for Cancel donation page Your paypal ID Donation Description Donation Footer information Document User Guide Demo Website Demo

JS News

JS News

Introduction Module JS News is a module for component Content, K2 and Virtuemart. This module is used for displaying image in Accordion style. You can use this module to display images in articles of component Content, K2 or display images of products in Virtuemart. You can change the number of columns and articles in module in order to make it look smoother. Features: - Support Joomla 2.5. - Support all browsers (IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, ...

Advanced CSS3 Hover Effects 4

Advanced CSS3 Hover Effects 4

More Advance Hover Effects with 10 new hover effects using CSS3 keyframes, filters, transitions along with transition and animation delays to help with a timing structure. Very easy to use, alter and ready to go. There is no JavaScript and no JQuery in the code only CSS3 and HTML. In these hover effects I use different ways to use Google Maps, Forms and CSS3 Gradients. As a note: These work in most updated browsers and can guarantee tha...

Chrome - Bootstrap Skin

Chrome - Bootstrap Skin

Features: Bootstrap Skin Responsive. Pleasant Color Scheme. Fully Documented. New Font Attached. Chromium Color Scheme. Sample Included. bootstrap jQuery Plugins Included. Glyphicon Icons Included. Screeshots Horizontal Navigation Bar Modal Window Default Buttons Button Groups Tabs Block Level Buttons

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

Upload a video – or use another user’s channel – and see videos from the selected channel instantly appear on your website! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from a specific playlist by username and playlist name. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. If you ever wondered how you could best include ...

YouTube Subscription Videos

YouTube Subscription Videos

See subscription videos appear on your website as they become available! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from the subscriptions of any user. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. Not bloated – it’s clear and convenient. It only takes a minute to drop in the code and with a single line of jQuery yo...

YouTube Playlist

YouTube Playlist

Add a video to a playlist on YouTube and see it appear on your website instantly! RECENT UPDATES: /2013-02-25/ It is now possible to use the “playall” option to play one video after another in the list, consecutively and automatically. The manual now includes an example where a playlist automatically starts playing in fullscreen and once the first video completes, the next one in the playlist follows. An easy to use, thoroughly ex...

Sticky Header & Footer Animated Social Share

Sticky Header & Footer Animated Social Share

In some sites we want to keep the Social Share always visible. In this style the Social Share buttons are fixed to top and bottom of the screen respectively. • Easy to integrate on any website • Easy to Change the button colors as per the requirement • Animated buttons • Easy to change the Text of the buttons. • Cross Browser Functionality

Domino Logic Test

Domino Logic Test

It is a plug-in that deploys on your page one of the world’s most famous psychological testing, the test of domino or D48. This test is one of the most commonly used tests in the world. This plug-in measures the visitor´s ability to conceptualize, and to apply its reasoning to new problems. It allows to assess the ability of a person to: To receive exactly the number of points in each set of tabs. Discover the organizing principle of join...

Slim Vertical Menu

Slim Vertical Menu

Vertical Menu is a simple, clean looking vertical menu built on Bootstrap, an open source front-end framework developed by Twitter. Easy to customize and change colors. Other Features Built on Bootstrap, by Twitter Pure HTML /CSS3 (no images used) Use Glyphicons in your Menus Jquery slide effect Cross Browser Compatible Four different color schemes CSS3 styles Easily Customizable