JS News

Last Update
2 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Introduction Module JS News is a module for component Content, K2 and Virtuemart. This module is used for displaying image in Accordion style. You can use this module to display images in articles of component Content, K2 or display images of products in Virtuemart. You can change the number of columns and articles in module in order to make it look smoother. Features: - Support Joomla 2.5. - Support all browsers (IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, ...) - Support showing articles for component Content, K2 and products of Virtuemart. - With JS News you can easily show articles, products that you want to draw attention of your readers in Accordion and beautiful effects. - Display articles by selecting each article, category in K2 or display each product. - Support link for title. - Show/Hide title, description of articles. - Support changing displayed characters of title and description. - Allow to display which number of articles to be shown. - Show/hide a part of article: Title, introtext, ink title … Document User Guide Demo Website Demo