content managment system

Full Website and CMS with site analytics V1.0

Full Website and CMS with site analytics V1.0

This is a full website with database and Content Management system with selection of 7 colour choices for the theme. The system uses animated drag and drop functionality to manage and order your content easily. Features are below: WEBSITE - 7 colour choices - dynamic image slider - latest news - testimonials - multiple pages - contact page with google maps - project/portfolio page - gallery page - own logo - subscribers CONTENT MANAGEMEN...

CMS (Content Manager System) with Database

CMS (Content Manager System) with Database

We have created a basic CMS system that we will be rolling out with different plugins so you can build your website yourself. The current version will allow you to insert the content of a potential website and manage the pages as well as the gallery. This version is a starting point for a very exciting project that will culminate in dynamic designs and systems that will allow you to build your website in a unique and stylish way. What th...