Full Website and CMS with site analytics V1.0

Last Update
6 June 2013
Regular License

This is a full website with database and Content Management system with selection of 7 colour choices for the theme. The system uses animated drag and drop functionality to manage and order your content easily. Features are below:

WEBSITE - 7 colour choices - dynamic image slider - latest news - testimonials - multiple pages - contact page with google maps - project/portfolio page - gallery page - own logo - subscribers

CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - Add / edit / delete PAGES - News section - Testimonial Section - Project/portfolio section - Subscribers - Analytics section - Settings and change of colours and social websites

This is a full package that allows you to upload a website and manage it within minutes.

to view front of site visit : http://www.sowebdesign.com/newsite to view the CMS visit: http://www.sowebdesign.com/newsite/cms

For the demo purposes we have disabled the additions etc but you can get a feel for how the system will work.

Please feel free to ask any questions!