block access



What is WP-Restrict? WP-Restrict is a WordPress plugin that allows WordPress admins to restrict access to their web site based on IP addresses. Use WP-Restrict to block all access to your web site, only allowing those in your ‘allowed list’, through the use of .htaccess rules. Features WP-Restrict has two management User Interfaces. The main user interface allows you to view all your ‘allowed list’ IP addresses. This interface also al...

Pages by User Role for WordPress

Pages by User Role for WordPress

Are you a WordPress developer or a Web Designer who uses WordPress to develop websites for your clients? Have you ever wanted not to show pages in the menu? Or wanted to restrict access to certain Pages, Posts, Custom Post Types or Categories based on the User Role level? We have made this very easy with Pages by User Roles for WordPress. This plugin lets you restrict access to a Page, Post, Custom Post Type or Categories depending on...