bbpress demo

WordPress Advance Hashtag Plus

WordPress  Advance Hashtag Plus

DESCRIPTION Hashtag plus provide your wordpress site with twitter hashtag feature in your wordpress blog posts, pages, buddypress activity , bbpress topics and replies e.t.c. With Hashtag Plus , it is easy to create links to your posts, pages by just including #post-id or #page-id, also hashtag+ provide a way to give your posts/pages #hashtag alias write from posts or page list, so that in your post your use #post-alias . For example a alias ...

Go - Sidebar Wizard for WP

Go - Sidebar Wizard for WP

“This is a very exciting plugin!” AbsoluetCM “Really awesome plugin, I love it! Especially that I can place any sidebar into post/ page content! Well done, and keep up the good work!” Dave from Germany | deckerweb What is it? Go – Sidebar Wizard for WP. You can manage your existing or user definied sidebars with the plugin via creating rules for what widget should appear in a widget area. Would you like to work comfortable? Yes. If you...