WordPress Advance Hashtag Plus

Last Update
16 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

DESCRIPTION Hashtag plus provide your wordpress site with twitter hashtag feature in your wordpress blog posts, pages, buddypress activity , bbpress topics and replies e.t.c. With Hashtag Plus , it is easy to create links to your posts, pages by just including #post-id or #page-id, also hashtag+ provide a way to give your posts/pages #hashtag alias write from posts or page list, so that in your post your use #post-alias . For example a alias can look like this #HowToCreateWebsite , check the features list below.


Username: tmontana

Password: tmontana

WHAT IS HASHTAG Hashtags are search keywords prefix with # sign which is included in your posts ,pages, comments e.t.c which when click it will search for contents that have the same keyword REASON TO USE HASHTAG+ ON YOUR WORDPRESS SITE It ease searching of contents on your site Your pages and blog posts get enough internal links when you start using #post-id or #post-name or #post-alias Gives your site twitter hashtag feature

WHERE IS IT APPLICABLE Your pages Your blog posts Wordpress sitewide comments It works on Buddypress plugin if installed It also works work with bbpress plugin if installed Search results E.t.c

HASHTAG+ FEATURES Turn hashtags in your posts,pages, bbpress, and buddypress post to clickable links Have the ability to create easy links to your posts/pages by passing #post-id like #10 or #post_name like #how-to-create-website or #post-alias like #HowToCreateWebsite e.t.c

Gives you the control to select places where hashtag to be applied like posts,pages,bbpress , buddypress comments e.t.c Searching with hashtags can be regular or search with # as prefix Option to open links in a new window when clicked Use standard hashtag (#hashtag) Customize your hashtags links with color , additional css properties easily from the admin Additional Features to Developers We have provide wordpress plugin developers to make use of hashtag+ plugin easily with any text content by just calling a function and the job is done by the awesome plugin HOW Make use of hashtagplus_parse( $content, $base=’?s=’) , The first argument is content to search for hashtags and must be text The second argument is the base url to append the hashtag keyword to like sitewide search is site.com/?s=#hash

Documentation Everything is included in your downloaded readme.txt file