
Dock Menu

Dock Menu

Description This is a beautiful menu like dock with the capability of store a submenu. Main Characteristics: 1. Touch enabled 2. Responsive 3. Infinite dock items 4. Infinite sub menu items 5. Animations 6. Dock properties to change 7. More than 700 icons Change log v.1 First release

jQuery Fullscreen Scroll Gallery

jQuery Fullscreen Scroll Gallery

A jQuery plugin help you to display fullscreen images with auto delay slideshow support. Features Scrollable thumbnails navigation. Auto delay slideshow. Fullscreen image. Recommendations For You jQuery OneByOne Slider Plugin: Credit jQuery Woman photos in the preview

Dasky Timeline Slider

Dasky Timeline Slider

Overview Dasky is a jQuery timeline slider,you can use it to show you products’s chagelog/loadmark, or loadmark of you team/life. And others what you want. It based on the power of css transforms and will fallback in old browsers who do not support it. Features Fluid layout Fullscreen or not Auto play Mousewheel control Keybords control Major browsers compatible and fallback to old browsers Easy to use Easy to customi...



Application contains TiSpritesheet Module and sample application. You can use TiSpritesheet module for creating sprite sheet animations in your games or applications. Its too easy to use. Include TiSpritesheet.js to your project and create sprite sheet animations easily. Appcelerator titanium sprite sheet module 1.0 is avaible.

LivIcons for WordPress - Animated Vector Icons

LivIcons for WordPress - Animated Vector Icons

This is a long waiting version of LivIcons (Live Icons) for WordPress, developed as a shortcodes plugin. What are LivIcons? They are a cross browser vector icons, built with JavaScript, with individual mini animation for every icon (except ‘Brand names’ ones). They based on SVG (scalable vector graphic) in modern browsers and VML (vector markup language) in IE6 – IE8 for clean and perfect look at any devices (Yes. Retina too). For what are th...

VB.NET Custom Tabcontrol Design

VB.NET Custom Tabcontrol Design

Custom Tabcontrol for Visual Basic .NET WinForm Applications. By using this VB Class, your applications will look a lot more professional. This tabcontrol is very clear, and simple to use. It provides you simple but powerful way to make your applications gui nice, and easier to use. You can also import this to your current project! - Cool Design - Animated - Makes your applications look fancy - Easy to use - Professonial ...

Hangers - PHP [Hang Anything, Anywhere]

Hangers - PHP [Hang Anything, Anywhere]

Online Demo Check Online Project demo & Admin panel demo Admin Username: demo   Password: demo Also available in WordPress version Project Features 70+ hanging styles, colors & gradients 175+ animation effects (for page onload and on mouse movements) Inbuilt demos & create your own hangers Hang Social media, images, videos, HTML codes, Advertisments, Menu items, Buttons (like Sign up, Subscribe, Buy, Download) and more. View ...

BlueprintUI Content Slider

BlueprintUI Content Slider

BlueprintUI Responsive Modal is a super simple fully responsive jQuery content slider plugin with more than 60 CSS3 powered animation possibilities and 4 home made themes to use it. Plugin Features Responsive Design – The layout adpats to the viewing environment. CSS3 Animation – 62 funny and really smooth animations. Themeable – 4 provided themes and simple api to create more. Images and Iframes – Native support for images and ifra...

jQuery Responsive Quote Rotator

jQuery Responsive Quote Rotator

A jQuery plugin help you to display quote of the day or customer testimonial with CSS3 transtion support. Change logs (please re-download it if you purchase it before) 13th Jun 2013: Add link support. Now you can customize the word or whole quote as a link. Features CSS3 transition in the modern browser. Optional click to next quote. Auto delay slideshow. Optional mouse over to pause the slideshow. Optional ease in and ease out animatio...

CSS3 Image - Text Hover Effects

CSS3 Image - Text Hover Effects

Features: 8 Standard Background Animations. Multiple Background Animation in 1 Hover. More than 15 Background Combinations. 14 Text Effects. 2 Background colors. (Light and Dark). 8 Box Sizes: – Vertical SmallBorder – Vertical NoBorder – Horizontal Bigsquare SmallBorder – Horizontal Bigsquare NoBorder – Horizontal Smallsquare SmallBorder (Thumbnails) – Horizontal Smallsquare NoBorder (Thumbnails) – Horizontal Full SmallBorder (Full Wi...