Envato Analytics Script

Envato Analytics Script

The Envato Analytics Script by Squidix is for Envato authors. This script will use the API to catalog your sales, and present you with a number of graphs, providing a quick and easy way to identify sales trends and keep statistical data on your account.



drawform is another contact form solution with special canvas component. This makes drawform absolutely different from the other contact form solutions. It was not designed to have many options and configurations as I wanted to keep the things simple. My goal was to add something new to the contact form. And I succeeded. You can use this form in your other PHP projects and further improvements and customisations could be done really easilly. I...

Sticky Widget Area - Plugin for WordPress

Sticky Widget Area - Plugin for WordPress

Why should you buy this? If you want to engage your visitors in checking out your sidebar content, than this plugin is a must! How many visitors did you lose due to the fact your sidebar was out of their screen when they scroll and read content? Imagine how much revenue you lose by leaving sidebar ads out your of visitors sight!Don’t let that happen again!Features Clean and lightweight code Works with any theme Sidebar never leaves your visit...

Solid IPB Envato Purchase Verification

Solid IPB Envato Purchase Verification

Available Version: 1.0.0 (Discontinued) This product will not receive any further updates. Description With this I.P Board hook, you can limit user registration to your forum to only users who has purchased one of your specified products. You can specify as many of your products as you want (by ID), and choose whether to enable to disable the hook once it is installed via the setthings page. This system does not use a database, but stores all...

jQuery vCards

jQuery vCards

How it works jQuery vCards searches your website for people you referred in your articles and wrappes them in a link, which calls a vCard with some informations. The setup of this plugin is fast and simple. A professional code-generator and a comprehensive documentation will help you. There are no coding skills necessary. Just copy and paste some code, move some files and you are all set. There are many features ready for you. With this plug...

Candy Slider

Candy Slider

Candy Slider is a powerful slider plugin for joomla. With Candy Slider you can organize any type of web content into a beautiful and user-friendly slider. GENERAL FEATURES LIST :- ——-———-———-———-———-——- -> You able to Set 5 Image Slide with Candy Slider. -> You able to Display your Site popular pages with this Slider. -> Configure all iamges from Admin Screen. -> Make autoplay Function Enable Disable by Admin Panel. -&...

Timeline with Configurator

Timeline with Configurator

Timeline is a plugin that helps you to show your lifetime, job experience or any other activity graphically in a really modern interactive way. With its built in configurator you can easily add,change and customize the timeline without any programming skills. Features Easy to implement Good browser support No programming skill needed Built in configurator Fully customisable       

Next Post Fly Box For WordPress

Next Post Fly Box For WordPress

Next Post Fly Box For WordPress Next Post Fly Box For WordPress is a WordPress plugin that creates navigation between next and previous post as a floating pop-up box on the left or right side of the window. When the user scroll the page a fly box is showing, allowing the user to select next or previous post based on conditions set in the plugin options panel. Need Support? Support for all our items is conducted through our Support Forum. We’r...

Hostel Booking

Hostel Booking

About the Script: “Hostal Booking” (Spanglish for Hostel) is a simple yet full booking system (template included) It will help you out to have your Hostel, Hotel, Motel, Camping, Reservation system in no time. This script comes with a full HTML Template (home, about, rates and location) and Admin Panel wich controls the rooms (Hide, Delete, Create) and Booking petitions (Confirm, Deny and send Thank you notes when a guest is gone) Integrate...

Folder Lock v3.0

Folder Lock v3.0

DESCRIPTION Folder Lock is a little utility that changes the access control attributes and permissions of a folder and make it unaccesible. Folder it’s unaccesible to administrators and normal users. There’s no way to access into the protected folder files until you unlock it. FUNCTIONS Locks folders from unwanted hands, even administrators!. Sets +hidden attribute to locked folders to hide them. Added icons to menus options. Now ...