
Last Update
20 November 2011
Regular License

Clean & Complete

skinableTabs is an unobtrusive jQuery plugin allowing you to organize your content in attractively skinned tabs. You can use skinableTabs with multiple positions, skins and transition effects. You can customize the look and feel of any skin in a dedicated CSS file.

Change log

Changes in version 1.4 [Nov 01, 2011]:

you can now control which tab to open from links inside the page. Just save a reference to the tabs instance and use its API to control the tab display.

Changes in version 1.3 [May 28, 2011]:

you can now choose to remember the last opened tab. You can enable your site to remember the last tab that the visitor opened. You can use this feature for page refresh or between pages.

demo update

Changes in version 1.2 [May 2, 2011]:

you can now select a tab using URL anchors. By appending one tab’s ID to the URL of the page (e. g., this specific tab is opened by default.

plugin name in Javascript fixed

Changes in version 1.1 [March 20, 2011]:

you can now load content with ajax. The content loads only when the tab is first opened, thus optimizing the loading time of your pages.

Improved documentation.

skin path fixes.


12 full-featured skins, ready to be used

18 original transition effects

four possible positions for tabs navigation: top, right, bottom, left

fully customizable and unobtrusive jQuery plugin with various options

SEO friendly HTML

dynamically loading CSS skins

possibility to add multiple tabs per page

includes documentation and ready to use samples

works in all modern browsers: IE7 +, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera

code generator for an easy script configuration

choose which tab is opened at start

Package contents

extensive documentation

ready to use samples

code generator

skinableTabs jQuery plugin source code and packed version

css & image files for every skin and position combination

You can have beautiful, clean and organized content using your favorite skin and transition effect. skinableTabs is the easy to use, simple, powerful and flexible solution for your tabbed content.

Screenshot previews


You can further customize the tab skins via their dedicated CSS files or create your own.

The script package includes a code generator that will guide you through the features and ready to use samples for an easy integration.