Hashtag for Wordpress - Improve Content Relations

Last Update
10 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Update Current version : #Hashtag 1.0

#HASHTAG 1.1 (under process) - feature release & Bugs Fixes *(processing) #Hashtag importer. *character compatibility (chinese, arabic, ...) * history navigation with javascript hash. * hashtag dashboard for statistics. * Debug thumbnail generation from image file name with special character. * Debug usort function error on linux servers. * Change class name of Mobile_Detect for plugins compatibility. * New General Option to adding the # character by javascript for more SEO-friendly. * Use hyphen or space in #Hashtags. * Replace hyphen by space on site.

#HASHTAG 1.0 - initial release *initial release

#Hashtag plugin for Wordpress allows you to set up an integrated hashtag system for your website. You can easily add hashtag #word in your posts thanks to a new auto-complete system based on the # character and suggestions of other hashtags already existing in your content. On the site, the hashtag words will be highlighted with a customizable link. On click, the plugin filters all the sentence containing the hashtag and displays them with links and thumbnail to related posts. You can also customize the preset template’s styles and functionalities or use the current theme template.