Metro Style Pop-Out Navigation menu

Last Update
10 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

A Metro style pop-out navigation that can be used as a navigation menu, a one page site or a combination of both. Easy options to configure the javascript to the way you want it and other areas are fully customizable in the css. Use this to bring an interactive element to your site or use it as the whole site. It’s up to you. Features

flat, Metro style design use as navigation, a one page site or a combination of both lots of configurable options via javascript and css easily create multiple sized tiles through class names multiple tile types including flip tiles and fullscreen works cross browser uses Masonry.js to sort and display tiles minified javascript file only 4kb add what you like to the tiles including images, videos, maps and links utilises Font-Awesome icons. No images for a faster load time

What’s included?

minified and un-minified javascript and css files quick start code to get you up and running straight away detailed help guide to run you through getting started and all the options available

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