CashCow - Affiliate Based Money Making System

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

You know many websites those earn Envato Affiliate Program (referral). You have an open chance to have a website similar those. This plugin helps you to collect and show marketplace items’ information automatically and immediately on your site. Of course with your referral link. Therefore you don’t need to waste your time for creating posts with new marketplace items.


Automatic Post Creation Automatic Cron Job with Schedule Unlimited Threats Works on All Envato MarketPlaces Easy to Use Easy to Customize, has Codex Automatic Category Creation Automatic Tags Creation Selection of Specific category Included Free CashCow Theme


== V1.7 - 08.06.2013 == *FIXED: Minor js issue of 3d ocean category *FIXED: Bug on 3docean selection *FIXED: Replace error 3d ocean

== V1.6 - 2013.07.30 == *FIXED : 3docean selection issue *UPGRADED : Better parser for feed

== V1.5 - 2013.07.26 == *UPDATED : Hierarchy of parent and sub categories *UPDATED : Content bottom links on posts that shows on any custom theme *FIXED : URL encode issue of preview name

== V1.4 - 2013.07.20 == *ADDED : Featured image upload by preview image

== V1.3 - 2013.07.15 == *UPDATED : Added filter before save post, prevent duplication

== V1.2 - 2013.05.22 == *FIXED : Bug on datediff function

== V1.1 - 2013.05.20 == * ADDED : Category selection on every marketplaces

== V1.0 - 2013.05.14 == * Initial release

Live examples by Apps400 by wibeweb by grmid

Sources and Credits Thank you all of you guys for your amazing works. We always appreciated for you! jQuery & Plugins jQuery by John Resig

jQuery jplayer plugin by Happyworm Ltd jQuery Fancybox plugin API Envato API   Thanks to all the great authors who shared their brilliant work and let us to use it.