Dice Captcha

Last Update
19 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Users often find it difficult to identify the obscured words that a normal CAPTCHA uses for form submissions. Dice CAPCHA is a new way to reduce this difficulty, while still helping to prevent spam.

It works by asking the user to calculate a simple sum using the numbers displayed on a number of dice.

It is easy to use and can be added to an existing form in just a few lines of code. The CAPTCHA is a single simple image and will work in any browser.

The background colour and colour of the + and = signs are fully customisable using hex colour values. There are three colours for dice; red, green and blue. You can also have two different dice colours on the same CAPTCHA or have them chosen at random.

See: http://codecanyon.steve-j.co.uk/dice-captcha/ for full details and examples.

Update You can now have any number of dice you want – see http://codecanyon.steve-j.co.uk/dice-captcha/ for examples of 2, 3 and 5 dice.