Linkii Link Exchange Manager

Last Update
16 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Linkii Manager is a small but powerful tool to enable you to manage your sites’ link portfolio. You can easily add, edit and remove links from your links pages as well as ensure that all linkbacks are maintained by the sites you’re exchanging with.

Try It For Yourself

You can try the demo at The login details should already be filled in, but just incase the details are:

Username/Email: Password: demo123

So What Does The System Allow You To Do?

Naturally, there’s the basic functionality of adding, editing and removing links. You can define an order to show the links in or sort them alphabetically, you can add optional html parameters or even a description to add some context to the links.

However by far the most useful tool is the link checker. On each link you add to the system you put the page where your link should be placed. You can then check each link to see if your link is still on the site.

If it’s not, you can choose to delete it from the system or hide it temporarily.

As a note, this is a single-site manager. You can install it on multiple domains to manage multiple sites, but a license would be required for each site.


Purchased the item and having an issue? While we imagine this is not the case for the majority of our users, if you do have a problem please don’t hesitate to get in contact via our profile page or by sending us an email (see documentation for details).