
Last Update
17 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Qrint, smart codes for printed pages.

Qrint is the simplest way to get printed pages back onto the web. Simply scan the QR code & your phones browser will navigate to the printed page.

Easy to use and setup Qrint uses native WordPress functions for an elegant lightweight core and fully commented code throughout. Qrint codes are unobtrusive as they are only displayed upon printing the page

You’ll also find detailed instructions on how to get setup Qrint included in the package

Features Overview

Unlimited Color Options Uses WordPress core technology Uses Google’s Chart API for low latency Caches code for fast page loads Unobtrusive, only displays the code when printed

Change Log 1.1 – 16-08-2012

URL ’s are now shortened by goo.gl for improved error correction Improved error handling means QR codes silently fail Removed cache flush as WordPress rewrite handles rewrites

1.0 – 13-08-2012

Initial Commit