Metro Flexible Navigation

Last Update
22 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The Metro Flexible Navigation is a minimal, clean grid layout inspired by the new Windows 8 interface. It can be customized to be laid out horizontally or vertically. It’s scrollable and draggable at the same time and contains useful sliding controls. Icons can be changed, there is a large collection available.

Layout orientation can be customized with a simple class atrribute Scroll-able and drag-able with mouse events and touch swipes (iPad compatible) Control buttons for sliding left, right, up and down the grid area Auto-resize based on browser viewport Minimal icons from a large collection:

16 Aug 2012: added mousewheel scroll support and respond.js library for older browsers compatibility 12 Aug 2012: fixed hover issue for not Webkit browsers, replaced effect with opacity property 11 Aug 2012: improved responsive behavior for iPad and smaller screens