Temporized Links For Files' Secure Download

Last Update
26 July 2012
Regular License

What is It This application provides to upload files and create a secure temporized links to download them. Your Customers will never know the real position and name of files to download. Release:

V.2.0 (06/18/2012) FIx some bugs for IE Features

Uploading File: Progressbar for upload Styled upload imput every files should have an expired date and time each uploaded file has a own random code, this code is important for download

Edit expiration date

Delete File

Get file link to download it

Send secure and timed link to your Customers via mail

You can send Link via mail to multiple Customers simultaneously

All action are based on Ajax technology

Custom pages for expired and deleted Links expired Links page example


PHP 5 .2.x or later MySQL 5.x or later 1 MySQL Database Package timed_download.sql file to import table in database Documentation Stand-alone complete version Credits jQuery jQuery-ui jQuery qtip Plugin Flexigrid Plugin jQuery Livequery Plugin jQuery Dialogize Plugin jQuery Validate Plugin jQuery Highlight Plugin jQuery Form Plugin jQuery Masked Input Plugin phpMailer class