jQuery Check If Changes Saved Plugin

Last Update
27 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

There are situations when we need some links to be on the same page we have a form on. And when we clicks them - the new page is loaded making us loose the changes we made in the form.

This plugin checks if there have been any changes to the form before we leave the page, and if there have – we can either save or discard them or stop leaving the page. (There is also auto-save option available)

Main features:

Fast and lightweight Major browsers compatible Easy to use and implement Well documented


jQuery library (js file is included) jQuery UI (js and css files are included)

Note: if you have already included jquery in your project, you don’t need to do it for the second time.


Auto save – you can make the plugin save the form when you click a link without asking you.

Title – you can specify a title for the dialog.

Message – you can specify a message for the dialog.

Dialog width – you can specify the width of the dialog.

The id of the form to check – you can point to a particular form to check the changes in.

Form validation method – if your form needs to be validated before submitting – you can specify a particular function name (or give your own function) for that.

P.S.: the clicked elements to invoke this plugin for don’t need to be links – they can be any elements that a user clicks on.