Fx Tabs - Animated Sliding Tabs

Last Update
31 July 2012
Regular License
Extended License

What is it ? Fx Tabs is a jQuery plugin for creating beautiful tabs with customizable animated content. You can use it as a menu, or as a simple component. Easily to install, easy to configure. You can customize his appearance with CSS (2 or 3).

Fx Tabs comes with 4 menu positions : top, left right, bottom.


Touch navigation Swipe between tabs easily

Auto Ajax with cache system You can easily choose to load content via ajax for a given element

Animated content You can bring to life your content with wonderful effects

Auto height adjustment Adapt tabs height to the content.

Multiple instances The tabs can be included multiple times on the same page.

SEO optimized No hidden html, you can use any html4 or html5 element

Skinnable Set the styling with CSS .

Compatible with all browsers Including IE6 .

Complete API and CALLBACKS Have special needs? Use the API to create them, or ask me.