jAccordion - jQuery accordion

Last Update
16 April 2013
Regular License

Remove frame in preview to see it’s responsive. Latest release was approved on 18 April 2013, IE10 is supported since this version. See changelog in the preview to get full and more detailed list of changes. Note: I can help you implement this plugin in a classic HTML website but I do not provide tutorials and do not have knowledge of implementing this plugin into wordpress, magento etc. jAccordion is a complex and responsive jQuery plugin with powerful API, large amount of callbacks and options which let you customize it to suit your needs. Features

JS fallbackAccordion keeps basic functionality even with disabled JS Tons of options – 25 options let you customize behaviour and appearance of accordion to suit your needs Animated elements – Use additional attributes to fade any HTML element or animate change of its position inside a slide Transition settings – You can specify delay, speed and transition method for every animated element Custom HTML content – You can use any HTML elements inside every slide Automatic height of active slide – There is no need to set default height of active slide of vertical accordion. There is a possibility to specify that height of active slide is adjusted according to height of its content. Custom themes – You can create your own accordions with a little knowledge of HTML and CSS Responsive – Accordion looks great no matter what device your visitors use and it’s responsive even with disabled JS Easy to understand – Every API method or variable, every callback and even every option is provided with at least one live demonstration Extensive documentation – How to include accordion into your website, how to customize style of accordion, use of animated elements, custom preloader, custom timer, whatever you name should be documented. Lots of demos – jAccordion is provided with many different types of accordions which show how complex the plugin is and with every demo you get layered .psd file for easy customization Custom preloader – You can use any HTML element or even multiple elements as preloader Custom timer – Accordion supports any type of timer you can think of – line timer, text timer, circular timer… Powerful API and callbacks – Accordion offers 13 public methods and variables plus 8 callbacks to customize appearance and behaviour on the fly Multiple instances – You can use multiple accordions (instances) on one page Slide style – You can set shadow or border of slides via CSS. Accordion even supports transparent or semi-transparent background of slides Autoplay with pause on hover (optional) Scrollbars – Accordion supports scrollbars in all, particular or no slides Links -Accordion supports linkable slides or multiple links inside a slide

Smart links – Only links of fully open slide are clickable (This functionality can be disabled for all or particular links) markup – Accordion supports divs, unordered list or definition list (it should be possible to use anything but these 3 were tested) Orientation – Horizontal and even vertical accordions are supported Lots of easing methods – Accordion (well jQuery) supports only 2 easing methods – ‘linear’ and ‘swing’ but you can use jQuery easing plugin to add 30+ different easing methods Keyboard control – You can optionally control the accordion using arrow keys. No matter how many accordions you use on one page only the active one can be controlled by arrow keys Control buttons – You can use one or multiple HTML elements as prev/next button(s) to control one accordion or even multiple accordions. You can style these buttons via CSS.

Browser support

Chrome 11+ Internet Explorer 7+ Firefox Mobile 4+ Firefox 4+ Opera 10+ Opera mobile 11+ Safari 4+

jQuery support

v1.4.3 to v1.9.1 (except 1.8.0)

Credits All images mentioned below are used only in preview.Images from graphicriver:1st image in homepage accordion by solarseven2nd image in homepage accordion by solarseven3rd image in homepage accordion by solarseven4th image in homepage accordion by solarseven5th image in homepage accordion by galdzerImages from deviantArt:mobile phones used in products list demo by PierocksmysocksOthers:jQuery – javascript libraryjQuery easing pluginspoon.net – used for testing in many browsers