Sticklr - Sticky Side Panel CSS3 + jQuery Plugin

Last Update
28 February 2012
Regular License
Extended License


Buyer Testimonials

It’s unusual that I would come back to leave another comment giving praise to this highly-useful, cleanly-coded, reasonably-priced, well-implemented product. (Did that sentence say it all?) -jeffreyrbk

Ah, nice script. Love it, it works perfect on my website. Easy to use and customize. -mlk83

It works perfectly with no issues with my other scripts Took only mins to add to my site. -davepronta

Thanks for this excellent piece of code. It’s exactly what I needed for my project. -seeker7125

Havnet used it but I am sure I will soon. The plugin looks amazing! Just like TF’s version – perfect! -wpexplorer

5 stars! -yoodac

My rating for script, price and support: 7 stars of 7 -Kayesh

Support Thank you for purchasing this template. I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template if it’s not covered within documentation, just drop me a message from my profile page. Changelog

Version 1.4 – January 2012 Added: custom tab size option Improved: ability for a tab to act as a link

Version 1.2 Added: option for panel to be relative positioned to top/bottom Added: alternative dark color scheme CSS

Version 1.1 Added: option for panel to be animated Improved: CSS fallback support for IE7 /8

Version 1.0 – 18 June 2011 First version released

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jQuery JavaScript library from jQuery

Stuttgart icon set from PC.DE

Vector social media icon set from icondock