wordpress built in shortcodes

LivIcons for WordPress - Animated Vector Icons

LivIcons for WordPress - Animated Vector Icons

This is a long waiting version of LivIcons (Live Icons) for WordPress, developed as a shortcodes plugin. What are LivIcons? They are a cross browser vector icons, built with JavaScript, with individual mini animation for every icon (except ‘Brand names’ ones). They based on SVG (scalable vector graphic) in modern browsers and VML (vector markup language) in IE6 – IE8 for clean and perfect look at any devices (Yes. Retina too). For what are th...

Responsive Ticket System - Wordpress Plugin

Responsive Ticket System - Wordpress Plugin

preview user side: here preview admin side: here on the widget sidebar, you should see “Send a new ticket | Login” HTML/PHP version: http://codecanyon.net/item/responsive-bootstrap-support-ticket-system/3343447 UPDATES: VERSION 1.3 / Aug 01, 2013 Already downloaded the plugin and like to get updated? Just download the new package and unzip the “com.doitflash.ticketWP.zip” file somewhere on your computer, then access your site direc...