websites store

Website Shortcut Tool - Link Manager

Website Shortcut Tool - Link Manager

Description: Organize all of your websites with one program. You can easily access any or all websites with one click. If you have many websites you want to keep track of, you can just paste them into the file and the program will recognize them. (see video above) don’t forget to rate if you like Want More Features? If you are looking for something similar with A LOT more features, you should check out

Multiple Site Manager

Multiple Site Manager

Webmaster tool: If you want to make sure your websites are up at all times, then this program will help! It will monitor your websites and send you a text message and/or an email when there’s an issue. You can put all of your website URLs into the program and click one button to open all of them. When you minimize the app, it disappears into the taskbar but notification bubbles will popup if an issue arises. Check out the video above for a qu...