webpage or web page

MyBrowser for iPhone & iPad

MyBrowser for iPhone & iPad

MyBrowser allows you to get your own browser into your iPhone & iPad application! How does it work? Basically, the browser includes a loading page that is displayed when your Web page isn’t fully loaded. Once the page is loaded, the UIWebView is displayed, with a nice animation and a lot of great features as a Bookmarking Engine & a built-in URL Search Engine. We provide you two XCode projects: MyiPhoneBrowser for iPhone & iPod T...

Activate/Deactivate a Webpage

Activate/Deactivate a Webpage

Activate/Deactivate a Webpage/Folder on your website DESIGN YOUR “MERRY CHRISTMAS” OR “HAPPY NEW YEAR” PAGE IN ADVANCE AND SET THE PAGE TO AUTO SHOW ON THAT PARTICULAR DATE!!! OR ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE WEBSITE FOLDERS TOO The function of this script is to Activate/Deactivate a certain web page/website folder at a certain date and time. This date and time can be any time in the future, may it be set to 2012 or 2025 or in that case 2069 too. (...