
Wordpress Vimeo Youtube Popup Plugin

Wordpress Vimeo Youtube Popup Plugin

Update 08/10/2013: Version 2.2 is now available. Updated for Wordpress version 3.6 Update 05/18/2013: Version 2.1 is now available. In addition to being responsive to browser sizes, it also has a scroll spy to keep your video visible in the browser! This is a Wordpress version of my original top selling Vimeo Youtube Popup Plugin. This is a plugin that allows users to easily create popup videos that appear after clicking an element on th...

HTML5 Ajax Jquery Popup Contact Form

HTML5 Ajax Jquery Popup Contact Form

With this script you can insert a beautiful popup contact form in your website. It’s very simple to put it where you want. FEATURES: - Receive emails from users. - View an interactive google map. - Show social network links. - Show your address and contact info. - View a photo’s gallery. - View a video. - Very simple to setup. - Compatible with all major browser. THERE ARE 4 DIFFERENT SKINS INCLUDED: - Red Skin - Blue Skin - Green Skin - Pink ...

Magic Squares

Magic Squares

Magic Squares are responsive interface elements that can display your content in a unique way. You can use it for displaying images, videos, maps, products, services or anything else that you can imagine (any HTML-content, except JavaScript). Visit our live preview to see how Magic Squares can serve your purposes. Magic Squares are colorful squares glued to window edge. As an administrator you can fully configure them: set size, color, back...

Emerald : Full iPhone App

Emerald : Full iPhone App

Emerald is a native iPhone app template that allows to create a 100% customized app without a single line of code. You can change all images, all colors, the font, and import your own content easily. You can then send the app to the AppStore, exactly like we did : We have also created a demo for you to preview all features of Emerald. You can download it right from S...

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

Upload a video – or use another user’s channel – and see videos from the selected channel instantly appear on your website! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from a specific playlist by username and playlist name. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. If you ever wondered how you could best include ...

YouTube Subscription Videos

YouTube Subscription Videos

See subscription videos appear on your website as they become available! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from the subscriptions of any user. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. Not bloated – it’s clear and convenient. It only takes a minute to drop in the code and with a single line of jQuery yo...

YouTube Playlist

YouTube Playlist

Add a video to a playlist on YouTube and see it appear on your website instantly! RECENT UPDATES: /2013-02-25/ It is now possible to use the “playall” option to play one video after another in the list, consecutively and automatically. The manual now includes an example where a playlist automatically starts playing in fullscreen and once the first video completes, the next one in the playlist follows. An easy to use, thoroughly ex...

jQuery Embed All Video Plugin

jQuery Embed All Video Plugin

Embed all video you want in seconds! You can copy & paste the video url to have a working embedded version of the video. Now with thumbnail preview for lazy loading! Like this: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("div#video-one").embedVideo('',{ preview: true }); }); </script> <div id="video-one" style="width: 430px; height: 300px;"></div> Or this: &lt...

Magic Squares

Magic Squares

Magic Squares are WordPress responsive interface elements that can display your content in a unique way. You can use it for displaying images, videos, maps, products, services or anything else that you can imagine. Visit our live preview to see how Magic Squares can serve your purposes. Magic Squares are colorful squares glued to window edge. As an administrator you can fully configure them: set size, color, background texture, icon, position,...

Draggable Infinite Grid with Lightbox

Draggable Infinite Grid with Lightbox

The Infinite Photo Grid with Lightbox has a fluid / flexible / responsive layout. Basically the grid is added into a HTML page into a div of your choice and it adapts based of that div’s width and height. In the examples provided you can see a few ways in which you might use this grid, of course that other configurations are possible (please note that the examples are provided in the download files). Pure OOP JavaScript code, no usage of jQ...