twitter profile



Make a creative Twitter header image just with a clicks. No longer need to learn any complex graphic editors or buy commercial editors. Slicetige-T helps you to slice a profile image that would match a header image. It’s a backwards compatible with a Slicetige Plus so you can convert your Facebook profile design into a Twitter profile. Features: Use image layers as in your favorite graphics editor Slicetige-T supports unlimited image layers s...

Twitter Authentication (OAuth) Class

Twitter Authentication (OAuth) Class

Twitter Class is PHP based class that simplifies user authentication on twitter. As we know, twitter these days (exactly on 31 august 2010) has deprecated the old version of authentication called “Basic Authentication” and since then all request must be authenticated with OAuth system. “OAuth is a simple way to publish and interact with protected data. It’s also a safer and more secure way for people to give you access. We’ve kept it simple...