tweet button wordpress

Twitter Hover Tweet for WordPress

Twitter Hover Tweet for WordPress

Twitter Hover Tweet for WordPress and allows you to quickly and easily add hover-over Tweet buttons to your images on the fly making them instantly “Tweet-able” on Twitter. Even better, the hover effects are silky smooth, cross browser, and come with multiple overlay images! More tweets = More Traffic = More $$$$ Features Silky smooth jQuery hover effects provide cool overlay effects and Tweet buttons making users more apt to share your...

Social Traffic Pop for WordPress

Social Traffic Pop for WordPress

Social Traffic Pop for WordPress is finally here. Requested by tons of other Traffic Pop buyers, Social Traffic Pop combines 4 of the most powerful social media tools to make one of the best social media marketing tools ever. Social Traffic Pop builds on everything that made the original Facebook Traffic Pop such a hit and takes it to the next level. Make Google, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn your slave and become a social media slayer over ...