suggestion box

iSuggest v1.1

iSuggest v1.1

What’s iSuggest? iSuggest is the smart auto suggest script with highly customizable options. This script uses the jQuery framework and you can use it on dynamic webpages. iSuggest helps web developers in making web sites more usable and user friendly. With the help of this plugin a search text box within a web page could be easily converted into an smart suggestion box that would list out all related search entries even sentences. User can ch...

Smart Suggest — Advanced Auto-Complete

Smart Suggest — Advanced Auto-Complete

Smart Suggest is a “fancy” search suggestion plugin for jQuery (much like Apple’s site search). Smart Suggest takes auto-complete boxes to the next level. Live Demo: Click here Only one line of code to install! It will convert any HTML text input box to a powerful Smart Suggest box. Ridiculously easy. A powerful search box with incredible capabilities, all from one line of code. Category grouping. Display results from various cat...