social statistics facebook

Domain Statistic Tool

Domain Statistic Tool

Domain Statistic Tool is lightweight and easy to install PHP Script which shows you related information about domain such as number of pages indexed in Search Enginies (Google, Yahoo, Bing), Geo location, Alexa statistic, Like count and more. Each domain statistic people can share in social networks, send email or add to favorites. Features Pages in Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) Social statistic (like count, tweets, pints, g+) Diagnos...

SocialCounter PHP Class - Social Statistics!

SocialCounter PHP Class - Social Statistics!

SocialCounter is a lightweight, easy to use PHP Class. It gathers social statistics about a specific URL . Social Networking has brought sites huge amounts of success, some sites even solely rely on this traffic to run and succeed. See how your site is doing! Currently Supported Statistics: Retweets Facebook Likes Facebook Shares Facebook Total Google +1’s Google Buzz Mentions Diggs StumbleUpon Views Delicious Bookmarks Linked...