social authorization

WooCommerce Social Login and Checkout plugin

WooCommerce Social Login and Checkout plugin

Description: Allow your customers to login and checkout with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo,...WooCommerce Social Login WordPress plugin enables sign-up, login and checkout with 8 social networks( Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Microsoft Live, Foursquare, AOL) for WooCommerce. Social login fasten checkout process and enhances user experience and increases signups and conversion rate of your eCommerce sho...

Social Auth WordPress Plugin

Social Auth WordPress Plugin

SocialAuth WordPress Plugin Social Auth WordPress Plugin v3.0 released! What is new in v3.0? Modal Login Panel Simplified admin panel settings Detailed instructions for each network on setting page Return to latest page after successful social login Social Auth WordPress Plugin Socail Auth is a WordPress plugin/widget that lets you authorize your sign-in with social newtorks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo You ca...

SocialAuth-Facebook+Twitter+Linkedin+Google Login

SocialAuth-Facebook+Twitter+Linkedin+Google Login

Social Auth Social Auth Social Auth v3.0 released with db integration! Socail Auth is a script that lets you authorize your sign-in with social newtorks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo. It has also db configuration inorder to integrate your current login system. You can make a login area on your website in order to do let your users to authorize their sign-in with social networks by purchasing and integrate to your...