shortcode gallery wp

WordPress Responsive Posts Gallery with Captions

WordPress Responsive Posts Gallery with Captions

Important New Feature: Bootstrap integration is here ! Description: NW PostsCaptions is a multi-purpose widget for listing posts, whether you want to create a gallery of photos or want to display the latest posts from your blog, with NW PostsCaptions you can do this very easily. You can choose between posts to be displayed in a widget area of your theme or you can use shortcodes to display in any page you want. Being responsive your gallery is...

PhotoMosaic for WordPress

PhotoMosaic for WordPress

PhotoMosaic creates a shortcode ([photomosaic]) that transforms a Wordpress photo gallery into a visually-striking design piece by giving it a fresh masonry layout worthy of your favorite design blog. Features: Works with the new WPv3.5 gallery system. Simply select “PhotoMosaic” from the template field when you create your gallery Plugin Options Page to easily configure all of your PhotoMosaic galleries Supports inline shortcode params (eg...