script tag

Forum Script v2

Forum Script v2

This unique forum is designed for customers who love a simpler and less ornate forums. For the convenience of the user post a topic or reply in the forum, I integrate clEditor which can be easily managed content. There is convenient and practical admin panel. Features Sample and cool design Freandly and SEO urls and browser titles Search engine Template system – more templates coming soon … User system (Login/Register/Lost password) User ...

CSS/JS Browser Determiner

CSS/JS Browser Determiner

It is a lightweight (3,9kb) JavaScript library that can help web-developers, especially HTML/CSS coders, to easily write CSS or JavaScript code for any specific browser without any CSS hacks. It is indispensable solution for building cross-browser and cross-platform web-sites and web-applications.How it works? Very simple. It generates a list of classes with the detailed information about browser, layout engine, OS, device and then attach it t...

Advanced Post Tags Widget - WordPress Plugin

Advanced Post Tags Widget - WordPress Plugin

This is an advanced widget that gives you control to the output of your post_tag. Support multiwidget, resizeable post tags featured image, sorting and ordering, easy to customize and full features. Displays a list of post tags as links. When a post tag link is clicked, all the posts in that post tag will be displayed on a with the appropriate post tag template dictated by the template hierarchy rules. Key Features & Options Title, for...

Extended Tags Widget - WordPress Premium Plugin

Extended Tags Widget - WordPress Premium Plugin

An advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your tags. The Tags widget replaces the default WordPress Tag Cloud widget. This version gives total control over the output to the user by allowing the input of all the arguments typically seen in the wp_tag_cloud() function Key Features & options Taxonomy, will display all your taxonomy.Title Icon, new features that enable you to use icon for the widget titleWidget Bac...