resizeable background image

jQuery List Style Rotator

jQuery List Style Rotator

   Latest update on (1/17/2012) Overview: This is a jQuery list style banner rotator featuring multiple transition effects. The scrollable list allow for easy navigation of your images. The banner rotator is also fully re-sizable and configurable through the plugin’s parameters and css file. Features: Multiple transitions available. Also can set a different transition per image. Able to load unlimited number of images, each wit...

jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow

jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow

WordPress Plugin Version available here.      Latest update on (3/13/2013) Overview: This is a jQuery banner rotator plugin featuring multiple transitions. The thumbnails and buttons allow for easy navigation of your banners/ads. The banner rotator is also re-sizable and configurable through the plugin’s parameters. Features: Multiple transitions available. Also can set a different transition per slide. Able to load unlim...