pong pong

Minimal Pong

Minimal Pong

About: It is a ‘PONG’ type game created with HTML5. Features: Mouse, Touch or Keyboard ( Left, Right Buttons and Space to start.) Control High Socre Stored Replayable Gameplay Minimal Design Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.) -the browser should support WebGL 320*480 resolution – Letterbox Scale Included Constuct 2 file (.capx – all source)                                      

Canvas Pong

Canvas Pong

Canvas Pong is the classic game of Pong re-created in JavaScript and HTML5. To get started playing, simply select a game-mode, choose a difficulty, and move the paddle with your keyboard’s arrow keys! Canvas Pong features simple intuitive graphics that take you back to the classic era of gaming, featuring an easy, medium, and hard mode, as well as an immersive two player mode that allows you to test your pong skills against a real live human!