opening hours

Open/Closed sign

Open/Closed sign

This class is a simple open/closed sign plugin, which can be used on any webpage showing the current status of a shop/store… The admin can change the status from open to close or vice versa by simply kliking a button od the admin page. Additionally opening hours can be set, and the script can automatically change the status accoring to these hours. No Database is required, the status is saved in a file on the server. Features: -...

Ultimate Contact Page

Ultimate Contact Page

A great all-in-one contact page for any business or organization! Version 2.0 released! See below for update info. REMEMBER! If you like the product, please rate it 5 stars via the page you download it from. Thanks! Ultimate Contact Page makes it easy to add a professional contact page to any Wordpress website. Its features include: AJAX contact form so customers can contact you Formats your address to standards, so sea...

Opening Hours - Wordpress Business Hours Plugin

Opening Hours - Wordpress Business Hours Plugin

Opening Hours is an easy-to-use wordpress plugin for displaying your business hours. It allows you and/or your clients to set up and maintain business hours in an intuitive and complete visual way. No more spaghetti-code in your sidebar! Features: “We’re Open” Widget (details below) Business Hours Widget (details below) Custom time formats and time zones intuitive and fully visual editor Shortcode to display business hours in posts Language...

Freelancer Widgets Bundle

Freelancer Widgets Bundle

Freelancer Widgets Bundle is a set of 7 widgets specially targeted towards musicians, artists, designers, developers and all other freelancers. These 7 widgets are: Advertisment Widget Biography Widget Buy me a beer / a coffee widget Contact widget Contact Form widget Opening Hours widget Social Links widget Highly Customizable All these widgets are highly customizable and provide a lot of CSS class to be modified easily. All custom CSS cod...