jquery ajax



JAXchat is a web based chat room application for your web site that requires little more than a few lines of HTML in your web page after uploading the code to your web server. It does not require a database or any post installation set up. Upload the application to your server, add 3 lines of HTML to your web page, and start chatting. It includes additional chat client skins in the form of simple CSS files that can be selected with a sim...



Description “Answers” is an AJAX enhanced PHP script that allows your visitors to search through already asked questions, as well as asking their own question in a number of different categories created by the site owner. Registered users have the ability to create, rate and report answers to any question as well as the question its self. This script comes with an easy to use installer as well as a wide range of features for both your visito...

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

Upload a video – or use another user’s channel – and see videos from the selected channel instantly appear on your website! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from a specific playlist by username and playlist name. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. If you ever wondered how you could best include ...

YouTube Subscription Videos

YouTube Subscription Videos

See subscription videos appear on your website as they become available! An easy to use, thoroughly explained jQuery plugin that fetches YouTube videos from the subscriptions of any user. Features include choosing thumbnail image and size, autoplay, click, load and error event handlers, easy styling and chainability. Not bloated – it’s clear and convenient. It only takes a minute to drop in the code and with a single line of jQuery yo...

YouTube Playlist

YouTube Playlist

Add a video to a playlist on YouTube and see it appear on your website instantly! RECENT UPDATES: /2013-02-25/ It is now possible to use the “playall” option to play one video after another in the list, consecutively and automatically. The manual now includes an example where a playlist automatically starts playing in fullscreen and once the first video completes, the next one in the playlist follows. An easy to use, thoroughly ex...

Extended Coming Soon Countdown

Extended Coming Soon Countdown

Description A simple, but complete and responsive, countdown system with progress bar based on admin input or elapsed time. Also you can contact your subscribed users and, if your server supports the function, automaticly contact them when the site is ready. Demo FrontendAdmin panel (Password:admin ) Feautres Frontend Responsive Layout Easy setup HTML5 and AJAX Support Language Detection and automatic translation(included: English and Itali...

Link Aggregator - PHP Link Sharing Script

Link Aggregator - PHP Link Sharing Script

For anybody having trouble installing it and getting a database error, you need to run the sql code from UPDATE.SQL in your database Link Aggregator is a PHP script which allows you to create your own link sharing site similiar to Reddit, Digg, Fark & etc. For example, you can use it to create the next Reddit or offer a type of news portal for your clients.Features Users can submit their own links Category system AJAX Liking System – U...

iLightBox · Revolutionary Lightbox for WordPress

iLightBox · Revolutionary Lightbox for WordPress

What’s iLightBox? iLightBox allows you to easily create the most beautiful responsive overlay windows using the jQuery JavaScript library. By combining support for a wide range of media with gorgeous skins and a user-friendly API, iLightBox aims to push the Lightbox concept as far as possible. Features jQuery capabilities. Responsive design. 6 ready to use skins. Compatible with the regular wordpress gallery shortcode. Shortcode parser for H...

uLike - Ajax content like system

uLike - Ajax content like system

uLike is a simple and easy to install content like system. You can have a unique like button on each different content element on your page. Each like button is it’s own seperate identity and is stand alone from the others. The system is based on the content’s parent div, the ip of the user, and the page in which it’s on. Features Allow your visitors to like your content! Jquery Plugin utilizing Ajax & php Seperate like buttons for ea...

Metro PreLoader

Metro PreLoader

Intoduction: MetroPreloader is a easy to use preloader which gives you this ability to easily setup your website preloading in a nice metro designed loading screen and display the fully loaded website when it finishes. It’s too easy to install and can be customized based on your intrests…;) Metro Preloader Features: ModularScript architecture allows you to create your own version of the script using online tool and include in build only feat...