image captcha

Graphical Captcha with Ajax

Graphical Captcha with Ajax

This script performs CAPTCHA validation on the user click. It is the most easiest form of captcha. It generates an image with letters or numbers inside circles or squares that the user needs to click according to instructions written on the image. This class can validate the user clicks by checking its position.

zCaptcha - Jquery Image Captcha

zCaptcha - Jquery Image Captcha

The zCaptcha is a brand new Image Captcha system. Ever get tired of the old troublesome words you need to type always? Well with zCaptcha you just simply click on the image that you think is best suited for. It may sound simple but in fact its a powerful anti-bot captcha with over 3000 possible results. zCaptcha also comes with the property of anti-OCR (Optical character recognition). zCaptcha also has many different soft effects that users wi...

Creative Captcha

Creative Captcha

Creative Captcha is a new method to validate if the client is a person or just a automated computer. It’s like a submit button only with a safety check. For a video preview please check this video: Updates: - Added a working demo (works again)

SoundCaptcha - Captcha that speaks.

SoundCaptcha - Captcha that speaks.

SoundCaptcha is simple form for verification of any “token” in case that submitted request is human input. We all know that todays captchas generate string that most of times are hard to read from eye of human and this requires that the page must reload (refresh) to generate new captcha string, and after refreshing page you may lost some of information you’ve already wrote in the input fields, meanwhile this creates frustration to you as user....