help file

Saola- Custom Contextual Help for every admin page

Saola- Custom Contextual Help for every admin page

Your users find it difficult to work with WordPress or they simply do not know how to add new elements? Then Saola plug-in is exactly what you need. It will allow you to: install the plug-in without editing the code; simply click “Activate” and the plug-in is ready to work add hints to any page in the WordPress Admin readjust the standard HELP zone in WordPress create tab or sidebar Contextual Help just enter the page url without referenc...

Content Swapper (jQuery)

Content Swapper (jQuery)

“Content Swapper” is a JavaScript class that helps organize content on a single page in a way that navigating through it becomes very easy and user-friendly. It does so by swapping content based on a Fragment Identifier link (e.g. #some-id) that refers to an anchor element on the same page which has an attribute string equal to the fragment value (e.g. id=”some-id”). This script can be very useful for creating help files, faq pages, presentati...

Easy Contextual Help for WordPress

Easy Contextual Help for WordPress

Are you a WordPress developer or a Web Designer who uses WordPress to develop websites for your clients? Have you ever wished that there was an easy way to add your own help to each menu or plugin in the built-in Administration Panel in WordPress? Look no further, with Easy Contextual Help for WordPress you can now improve support for your clients by providing contextual help for your menus. The plugin automatically recognizes each insta...

Content Swapper (MooTools)

Content Swapper (MooTools)

“Content Swapper” is a JavaScript class that helps organize content on a single page in a way that navigating through it becomes very easy and user-friendly. It does so by swapping content based on a Fragment Identifier link (e.g. #some-id) that refers to an anchor element on the same page which has an attribute string equal to the fragment value (e.g. id=”some-id”). This script can be very useful for creating help files, faq pages, presentati...